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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 9 months ago

The Chennai Tribe


Every Saturday at 5pm, Besant Nagar Beach



The aim of this community initiative is to help bring out the musical talent of the public. The concept is very simple. Every saturday at 5pm at the Besant Nagar beach, a group of people, whoever is good with percussion instruments come together and they play together. What comes out is a musical evening, of the community, for the community, and completely by the community. Everyone who can keep a beat is welcome to join. Perhaps its democracy at its best.


My belief is that, if we are open to bringing out the best of things, and are willing to flaunt those things rightfully in public, perhaps we will also be open to bringing out the things that need to change, and put our hands together to make a change. Here's me hoping that you'd agree.





January  19th (Saturday) at 5pm



Besant Nagar Beach, Chennai




Entry is free. Bring your own Instruments.


Vijay Anand, vijay@vijayanand.name, +91 9894101373

Jayadev, jayadev dot ramdas at gmail dot com, +91 9940017074

Kausikram, kausikram @ gmail . com ,+91 9884246490


<add your name here>



Sponsors and Promoters


Put down the logo of your company here, if you would like to Promote this community initiative.




Vijay Anand - +91 9894101373



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