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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years ago

Great effort but be more cautious:

14 Sep 07

Hi I-Fixers,


        I think this is a really good and well-thought-of effort in these sense of bringing the change (that we want to see in the society) in ourselves. But I have one suggestion: Filling up an asphalt road with concrete might not sustain in a long run. They have different thermal expansion coefficients and the fill might have difficulty from the engineering point of view. So, if there are any civil engineers you can brainstorm and come up with a calculation of what conditions it can sustain.


I am suggesting this because, a short-term fix should not turn out to be a bigger problem in long-term. This will bring opposition from the government and will be discouraging for similar efforts. Although, I really appreciate that you guys have considered several aspects already.




Points of Note:

17 Aug 07

Today, it rained at a few places, good enough to have water running around into some roads, and i noticed something that i thought 'I Fixers' should also be bothered about. A few people (looked like people from the shops nearby) were digging new potholes on the roads to drain water into the drainage hole that unfortunately runs under the middle of the road almost in all roads. Then i remembered that i have actually seen this scene too often during rains but didnt notice that these small potholes that are created are the ones that later become bigger ones needing attention(apart from potholes due to wear-n-tear), attention enough from teams like 'I Fixers' or somebody in the govt.


May be 'I Fixers' should, on the longer run, plan some drive against this practise, or, find some kind of alternate quick fix like solution and tell it to shopkeepers as part of a drive, or some awareness drive to tell people we may not fix it again and its not fun. Just making a note.





Garbage Lorry spill out menace


Hope everybody here aware of recent chennai corporation's garbage collection mayhem. Now as well in the past, these lorries carreying overload of garbage and spill out all over the streets threatning cyclist, motarist and everybody in the road to run for safely.


It is very disgusting fact that everytime i think of doing something to stop these filth spilling lorries but handicaped. I curse myself and get angry with govt, corporation and politicians. I am impressed with I FIX, I am wondering how we can collectively stop this. any comments.........!





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