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We believe we can find the solutions for most of the everyday problems that we complain about, if we are willing to do something about it.



We start off with an Initiative to fill/fix some the pot holes in roads of Chennai. Slowly move to Cleaning the Beach Now. Hmm. I Wonder What's Next!



A little more detail: Three friends, from very varying backgrounds get together over coffee to plan some activity around Independence day. We quickly mull through the usual "scribble on the wall" concept and get into the details of what usually goes on a wall. Walls are always filled with wishlists. Wishes of how things could be better, how we wish... it was that way. Don't we all wish sometimes, that someone would do something about all the potholes that we see in the roads of Chennai?


Out attitude is that, the problem of the city is our problem. We are not doing anyone a service actually and we do not expect humanitarianism to ooze out of this city. We do what we think, was our responsibility all along, just neglected. We decided we are going to fix that.


If you believe in the same, do join us. Even better, start a local I-Fix Campaign to fix the everyday issues in your area. If you need help, just give us a ring or drop a mail.


Recent News:


Oct 10: Will be on Radio Tomorrow, Live at Chennai Live (104.8) talking about I Fix Chennai's Initiative in Cleaning up our Most Beautiful Beach.

May 11: Planning for a meet on the 24th (Saturday) at 4pm. Sign up for the mailing list for details. Register here


Pictures of Previous Campaigns Here


More Pictures [Here]





Read this: The Fixing Process





Next Campaign

Status: Planning Underway. Sign up for the Mailing List to be part of it.



Previous Campaign:


Third Campaign

Date: Oct 13th, Saturday

Time: 10:30pm

Meetup Location: Adyar Bus Stand (in front of Odyssey, Bajaj Auto Showroom) on the same road as IIT.


Second Campaign

Date: September 14 th, 2007

Time: 9 PM

Meetup Location:Adyar Bus Depot


First Campaign

Date: August 14th, 2007

Time: 9:00 pm

Meetup Location:Velacheri Vijayanagar Bus Depot



City Chapters


:: Chennai ::


Arun Ganesh : +91 9840423638

Vijay Anand : +91 9894101373

Varshita: +91 9841014324

Ram - +91 9840066000

Mahesh Radhakrishnan : +919841346118

Divya Rajagopal


Mailing List: http://groups.google.com/group/ifixchennai



:: Delhi ::


Prashant Singh - pacificleo@gmail.comA


Webpage : http://www.ifixdelhi.com/

Mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/ifixdelhi




:: Bangalore ::


City chapter not yet started. Volunteers interested are welcome to take the initiative and get it started.





Comments (14)

Anonymous said

at 12:47 pm on Aug 15, 2007

My eyes are burning, wrists busted, shoulders aching, jeans cemented, but the mind feels great. Cant recall the last time i did something this crazy without ending in a hangover.
Props to Vijay/Mahesh and the others who made this happen. Was great meeting you all and brilliant work by everybody who came, could'nt have done it without you.

Anonymous said

at 9:33 am on Aug 16, 2007

I want to join this group.Add me to the list my contact no is 9941341187

Anonymous said

at 9:48 am on Aug 16, 2007

Hi all,
That was a verygood initiative and liked this idea. would like to be part of this group and will try to be part of your next initiative (Actually I came to know about this only today!. was free on 14th eve and could have easily joined you guys. Please keep in loop. My contact no is 99401 73138

Anonymous said

at 11:16 am on Aug 16, 2007

hey mansoor and dinesh... just go to the wiki home page and put down yours no's and you get yourself added there... simple na

Anonymous said

at 11:56 am on Aug 18, 2007

Reposting from the Wiki.

"is there a minimum criteria for what kind of roads which have potholes that we can fix, given the raw we have".. if so, may be it can be mentioned above so the potholes are specific"

Anonymous said

at 8:03 pm on Aug 19, 2007

"You guys are doing a great job and I commend you on your innitiative.I saw the pictures of your august 15th drive and I feel you are not taking steps to protect yourselves from oncomming traffic,as I find no traffic cones in the pictures.I believe these pictures were taken in the early hours of the morning when the traffic is at its lowest but traffic is fast.

I hope you guys will take care of that in the future.Also if u guys can afford reflective jacket that the cops wear it would be ideal.

Great job guys!!!!! keep it up and do keep me informed."

Mustafa Degani

Anonymous said

at 2:18 pm on Aug 21, 2007

Hi guys. Jus now added my name in to the list for the next intiative. Would love to join you ppl. Please add my mail id rangulives@yahoo.com if you ppl already have a mailing list.Cheers!

Anonymous said

at 1:17 pm on Aug 23, 2007

"Hey 'I Fixers'

This is Suvirnath- doing my 3rd year architecture... I read about this group-I fix on the Deccan Chronicle and am really impressed about the fact that someone has really taken an initiative for doing something to our city which really needs some revival.. Ive been pondering over these issues for quite sometime and now that its in the forefront atleast to a few of us i really feel its our duty to spread it further...

As an architecture student i feel i can help by identifying certain issues that could be dealt with by us initially. I could also make use of the few contacts that i hav made for our sake.Maybe like repair of damaged manholes or open drains..

I would make sure that atleast 20 more people would work with me from my side... I hav spoken about this to few people already...

Would be glad do provide a helping hand wherever i can..

Hope more people join our clan....


Suvirnath Swaminathan"

email: suvirnaughty@hotmail.com

Anonymous said

at 11:37 pm on Sep 14, 2007

Hey guys, it is very impressive that someone has or some people have actually taken an initiative like this. As much as I would love to participate in this, I would like to admit that being here in the US gives me very little opportunity. Only way I can think of right now is by donation. I am sure many others here would support and encourage you guys to start collecting donations. Let us all know how - Thanks Yash

Anonymous said

at 3:17 am on Sep 15, 2007


Will let you know soon on this regard.

Anonymous said

at 2:05 pm on Sep 19, 2007

Keep up the Good work. Way to go!!

Anonymous said

at 4:17 pm on Oct 11, 2007

I want to start this initiative in Pune. Please provide some inputs.

Anonymous said

at 6:33 am on Oct 12, 2007


I've shot across an email to you.

Anonymous said

at 10:04 am on Oct 15, 2007

The October campaign
From the time I stumbled on to this movement, you guys have launched, I knew for sure that it will be successful and will spread like wildfire. Being an avid DIY guy myself, I know that simple jobs can be performed with ease and perfected over time. All one needs is commitment, attitude and above all high spirits. We seem to have loads of it. Let me quote two bits of conversation overheard in the thick of the action on 13/10:

1. "What was your earlier plan if you had not volunteered for this one?"

" I had planned to go to the Pub, but since I had volunteered, I thought this was right thing to do. I am happy I came"

2. "What did you tell your parents before you left, as to the reason you'll be staying out so late?"

" I told them I'll be going to a movie with friends, because if I had told them the truth, they will think either I am lying or crazy"

The 13/10 campaign was great and it was a privilege to be a part of it. One guy works in Bangalore and visits family at Madras only on weekends and he chose to be part of the campaign on Sat. night. Another felt it a privilege to fix a pothole outside St.Johns School in Besant Nagar, as he had studied there for 12 years.

For sheer spirit or dedication, we dont seem to lack anything. So, let me sign off by congratulating guys like Vijay and Ram for harnessing it all. Cheers!!

Palavakkam, Chennai-41.

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